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dc.contributor.authorAuthorChávez, Carol
dc.contributor.authorAuthorUbilla, María José
dc.contributor.authorAuthorGoich, Mariela
dc.contributor.authorAuthorCañón Jones, Hernan
dc.contributor.authorAuthorIturriaga, María Paz
dc.contributor.otherCareerFacultad de medicina veterinaria y agronomíaes Accessioned2022-04-07T21:39:10Z Available2022-04-07T21:39:10Z Issued2021
dc.identifier.citationReferencia BibliográficaJournal of Veterinary Behavior 46, 3 p.
dc.description.abstractAbstractIn veterinary practice, peripheral catheter placement is very common. For some cats, this procedure can be painful and stressful. This study aimed to determine the effect of a topical anesthetic cream on pain reaction related to cephalic catheter placement in healthy, awake cats. 20 healthy cats, enrolled for ovariohysterectomy, were randomized to either a lidocaine 2.5%-prilocaine 2.5% cream or placebo cream group. In each group, the cream was applied for 30 minutes on a previously shaved skin overlying the cephalic vein and venipuncture was carried out using a 22-gauge catheter. The Cat Stress Score system was applied before venipuncture to ensure that the reaction observed was not associated with cat stress level. The behaviors associated with pain during venipuncture were also evaluated. All cats tolerated the application of the cream well. Cat Stress Score before venipuncture ranged from fully relaxed to very tense in both groups and no correlation was found between the behaviors associated with pain during venipuncture and cat stress level. 30 minutes of application time was effective in providing local anesthesia, with cats in the treatment group showing significantly fewer behaviors associated with pain than cats in the placebo group. The use of a topical anesthetic cream before peripheral catheter placement in non-emergency cases is
dc.description.sponsorshipSponsorsProyecto de Investigacion Interno UDLA PI_2019044es
dc.format.extentdc.format.extent3 páginas
dc.publisherPublisherElsevier Inc.
dc.sourceSourcesJournal of Veterinary Behavior
dc.subjectSubjectPeripheral catheter placement lidocaine/prilocaine cream pain behavior cat stresses
dc.subjectSubjectPeripheral catheter placement lidocaine
dc.subjectSubjectPrilocaine cream
dc.subjectSubjectPain behavior
dc.subjectSubjectCat stress
dc.titleTitleDecrease in behaviors associated with pain during catheter placement using a topical anesthetic formulation in catses
dc.typeDocument TypeArtículoes
dc.udla.privacidaddc.udla.privacidadDocumento públicoes

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