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dc.contributor.authorAuthorMendoza Muñoz, María.
dc.contributor.authorAuthorCarlos Vivas, Jorge.
dc.contributor.authorAuthorCastillo Paredes, Antonio Jonathan.
dc.contributor.authorAuthorKim Wai Sum, Raymond.
dc.contributor.authorAuthorRojo Ramos, Jorge.
dc.contributor.authorAuthorPastor Cisneros, Raquel. Accessioned2024-09-03T19:15:53Z Available2024-09-03T19:15:53Z Issued2023
dc.identifier.citationReferencia BibliográficaJournal of Sports Science and Medicine, 22(3), 10 p.
dc.description.abstractAbstractTo translate and culturally adapt the Perceived Physical Literacy Instrument (PPLI) questionnaire, as well as to evaluate the factor structure. A single-measure cross-sectional study was conducted. For the first phase of the study, a translation and cultural adaptation of the PPLI questionnaire was carried out, as well as an interview, with the aim of assessing the understanding of the instrument. In the second part of the study, exploratory (EFA) and confirmatory (CFA) factorial analyses were conducted. A total of 213 Spanish adults with a mean age of 27.40 (10.58) participated. EFA was performed because of the good results offered by the sampling adequacy indices (Bartlett test = 1081.848; df = 153; p < 0.001; and KMO test = 0.825). The factor solution comprised three correlated factors:1) physical competence, 2) motivation and confidence, and 3) knowledge and understanding. After the EFA, items 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 17 were excluded. Therefore, through CFA, a factor structure of 9 items grouped into three dimensions was extracted. The PPLI-Sp version for adults, obtained from the back-translation process as well as after individual interviews, proved to be valid and reliable after the EFA and CFA analyses, obtaining an instrument of nine items, divided into three dimensions. This instrument can be used to determine the perception of physical literacy among different Spanish adult populations.
dc.format.extentdc.format.extent10 páginas
dc.language.isoLanguage ISOeng
dc.publisherPublisherJournal of Sport Science and Medicine
dc.sourceSourcesJournal of Sports Science and Medicine
dc.subjectSubjectHealthy behavior
dc.subjectSubjectPhysical activity
dc.subject.lcshdc.subject.lcshEjercicio físico
dc.subject.lcshdc.subject.lcshAptitudes físicas
dc.subject.lcshdc.subject.lcshEstado de salud
dc.titleTitleTranslation, Cultural Adaptation and Validation of Perceived Physical Literacy Instrument-Spanish Version (PPLI-Sp) for Adults
dc.typeDocument TypeArtículo
dc.typeDocument Type
dc.typeDocument Type
dc.typeDocument Type
dc.typeDocument Type
dc.typeDocument Type
dc.udla.indexdc.udla.indexScience Citation Index Expanded
dc.udla.indexdc.udla.indexAcademic Search Ultimate
dc.udla.indexdc.udla.indexCAB Abstracts
dc.facultaddc.facultadFacultad de Educación

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