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dc.contributor.authorAuthorMartínez Montenegro, Isnel Accessioned2024-09-03T19:14:51Z Available2024-09-03T19:14:51Z Issued2022
dc.identifier.citationReferencia BibliográficaNovum Jus, 16(3), 18 p.
dc.description.abstractAbstractThis article analyzes the theoretical bases for the harmonization and integration of socio-legal guidelines that must be considered for the promotion of an innovative culture and technology transfer in Chile. The methods used were doctrinal legal, content analysis and doctrinal theoretical study. The analysis showed that the basic principles that serve as normative statements for the regulation of technology transfer in Chile have not yet been determined, a situation that affects the transfer of knowledge and research from the public sector or publicly funded to the private sector in a more efficient, orderly and effective way, with the active participation of the researchers or creators of said technologies, where the introduction and commercialization is developed by the entrepreneurs of the items interested in its commercialization. Universities are a relevant subject in the technological development of the nation, however, the integration, harmonization, and collaboration for the promotion of the technological innovation process must be oriented towards a conjugation with the business sector. For this, the lines of research must be aligned with this purpose and support the incorporation into the national and international market. Also, an orderly management of the subjects that participate in said processes is necessary, as well as strengthening the development of the intellectual property rights that are generated and the national system of technological innovation, and unifying the regulation of mechanisms to minimize the distortion and legislative dispersion in the matter.
dc.format.extentdc.format.extent18 páginas
dc.language.isoLanguage ISOspa
dc.publisherPublisherUniversidad Católica de Colombia
dc.sourceSourcesNovum Jus
dc.subjectSubjectTechnological innovation system
dc.subject.lcshdc.subject.lcshTransferencia de tecnología
dc.titleTitleThe importance of resetting the socio-legal culture of technology transfer in Chile
dc.title.alternativeAlternative TitleLa importancia de resetear la cultura sociojurídica de la transferencia de tecnología en Chile
dc.typeDocument TypeArtículo
dc.udla.indexdc.udla.indexEmerging Sources Citation Index
dc.facultaddc.facultadFacultad de Derecho

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