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dc.contributor.authorAutorValderrama Núñez, Cristian
dc.contributor.authorAutorOjeda Águila, Daniela
dc.contributor.authorAutorBerger Fuentes, Camila Javiera
dc.contributor.authorAutorCastro Villegas, Marjorie
dc.contributor.authorAutorNavarro Martinez, Isabel
dc.contributor.authorAutorReyes Pereira, Fernando
dc.contributor.otherCarreraFacultad de salud, ciencias sociales y deporteses ingreso2022-05-30T16:17:28Z disponible2022-05-30T16:17:28Z publicación2021-12-09
dc.identifier.citationReferencia BibliográficaBrazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 29, 18 p.
dc.description.abstractResumenThis text shows the experience accumulated over 10 years in the Bio Bio Occupational Therapy Conference in Chile, an academic extension and recreational activity in which relevant topics for the training of occupational therapists are discussed. Objective: To analyze the main learning and contributions to the professional training of the teaching methodologies that are exposed in this conference, through the opinion of the students who have participated as assistants. Method: systematization is developed since this methodology allows critical reflection from the lived experience. The information is produced through interviews with 12 students. Analysis of the content of predefined topics is carried out, which correspond to critical thinking, tools for intervention, and shared values. Results: The group of students values the methodologies of a practical, participatory, and dialogue nature that allow them to share opinions and experiences. The tools that are acquired correspond to relational skills that facilitate treatment and therapeutic management. The shared values that the students identify are present in the conference, including solidarity, respect for diversity, and empathy. Conclusions: The academic extension activities enrich professional training because it brings students closer to social reality, strengthens disciplinary identity and promotes their citizenship training. The challenges of extension activities are to generate transformations in the daily lives of the intervention subjects, and that they can actively participate in the curricular adjustments of the study
dc.format.extentdc.format.extent18 páginas
dc.language.isoLenguaje ISOeses
dc.publisherEditorUniversidade Federal de Sao Carlos
dc.rightsDerechosCreative Commons by Attribution (CC-BY)
dc.sourceFuentesBrazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy
dc.subjectPalabras ClavesProfessional
dc.subjectPalabras ClavesCollaborative
dc.subject.lcshdc.subject.lcshOccupational therapy.
dc.subject.lcshdc.subject.lcshOccupational therapy.
dc.titleTítuloContributions of academic extension activities in the training of occupational therapists, from the students´ perspectivees
dc.title.alternativeTítulo AlternativoContribuições das atividades de extensão acadêmica na formação de terapeutas ocupacionais, na perspectiva dos estudantes
dc.title.alternativeTítulo AlternativoContribuciones de las actividades de extensión académica en la formación de terapeutas ocupacionales, desde la perspectiva de los estudiantes
dc.typeTipo de DocumentoArtículoes
dc.udla.privacidaddc.udla.privacidadDocumento públicoes

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