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dc.contributor.authorAutorHuerta Ojeda, Alvaro
dc.contributor.authorAutorBarahona-Fuentes, Guillermo
dc.contributor.authorAutorGaldames Maliqueo, Sergio
dc.contributor.otherCarreraPedagogía en educación físicaes ingreso2022-05-26T17:26:49Z disponible2022-05-26T17:26:49Z publicación2021-06-02
dc.identifier.citationReferencia BibliográficaPLoS ONE, 16(6), 15 p.
dc.description.abstractResumenThe effects of a period without physical training on the civilian population are well established. However, no studies show the effects of a period without mandatory physical training on maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 max) and anthropometric parameters in naval cadets. This study aimed to investigate changes in VO2 max and anthropometric parameters after 12 weeks without mandatory physical training in naval cadets. The sample was 38 healthy and physically active naval cadets. The measured variables, including VO2 max and anthropometric parameters, were evaluated through the 12-minute race test (12MRT) and the somatotype. Both variables had a separation of 12 weeks without mandatory physical training. A t-test for related samples was used to evidence changes between the test and post-test; effect size was calculated through Cohen's d-test. Distance in 12MRT and VO2 max showed significant decreases at the end of 12 weeks without mandatory physical training (p < 0.001). Likewise, the tricipital skinfold thickness and the endomorphic component showed significant increases (p < 0.05). 12 weeks without mandatory physical training significantly reduces the VO2 max in naval cadets. Simultaneously, the same period without physical training increases both the tricipital skinfold thickness and the endomorphic component in this
dc.format.extentdc.format.extent15 páginas
dc.language.isoLenguaje ISOeses
dc.publisherEditorPublic Library of Science
dc.sourceFuentesPLoS ONE
dc.subject.lcshdc.subject.lcshPhysical education and training
dc.titleTítuloEffects of a period without mandatory physical training on maximum oxygen uptake and anthropometric parameters in naval cadetses
dc.typeTipo de DocumentoArtículoes
dc.udla.privacidaddc.udla.privacidadDocumento públicoes

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